The prize of the German Academic Exchange Service is awarded Hodabalo Kondo-Feou today – a young man whose journey and commitment deeply inspire us all. Hodabalo hails from Togo, and his story is not only one of outstanding academic achievements but also of remarkable social engagement. As an orphan, he was supported by a host family near Erlangen, who, recognizing his excellent academic performance in Togo, offered him the opportunity to study physics at our FAU. From his very first semester, he distinguished himself through active participation and a keen interest in learning. During the challenging times of the pandemic, he played a crucial role by recording lectures as a cameraman, ensuring that his fellow students and professors could continue their teaching – always reliable and fully dedicated.
What truly sets Hodabalo apart, however, is his exemplary engagement beyond his studies. He is not only a youth football coach at the Erlangen-Bruck Football and Sports Club but also a key supporter of his fellow students. Through the FAU Buddy Program, he has helped new students find their way in Erlangen and adapt to university life. All of this he manages while pursuing a demanding physics degree and working as a student assistant to support himself.
His academic achievements are impressive – from above-average to excellent grades in many subjects to the successful completion of his Bachelor’s thesis. Notably, he also completed a semester abroad in Lille, France, where he further deepened his intercultural skills.
Hodabalo is not only a role model for international students but for all of us. His commitment, helpfulness, and determination makes him an exceptional individual who truly deserves this award in every sense of the word.
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The prize of the German Academic Exchange Service is awarded Hodabalo Kondo-Feou today – a young man whose journey and commitment deeply inspire us all. Hodabalo hails from Togo, and his story is not only one of outstanding academic achievements but also of remarkable social engagement. As an orphan, he was supported by a host family near Erlangen, who, recognizing his excellent academic performance in Togo, offered him the opportunity to study physics at our FAU. From his very first semester, he distinguished himself through active participation and a keen interest in learning. During the challenging times of the pandemic, he played a crucial role by recording lectures as a cameraman, ensuring that his fellow students and professors could continue their teaching – always reliable and fully dedicated.
What truly sets Hodabalo apart, however, is his exemplary engagement beyond his studies. He is not only a youth football coach at the Erlangen-Bruck Football and Sports Club but also a key supporter of his fellow students. Through the FAU Buddy Program, he has helped new students find their way in Erlangen and adapt to university life. All of this he manages while pursuing a demanding physics degree and working as a student assistant to support himself.
His academic achievements are impressive – from above-average to excellent grades in many subjects to the successful completion of his Bachelor’s thesis. Notably, he also completed a semester abroad in Lille, France, where he further deepened his intercultural skills.
Hodabalo is not only a role model for international students but for all of us. His commitment, helpfulness, and determination makes him an exceptional individual who truly deserves this award in every sense of the word.
FAU Awards 2024
©Giulia Iannicelli