Zur FAU-Botschafterin hat die FAU in diesem Jahr Prof. Dr. Fatima El-Tayeb ernannt, in Würdigung ihres besonderen Verdienstes um den Ausbau der internationalen Reputation und Sichtbarkeit der FAU in Forschung und Lehre.

April 22, 2022
Yale University, New Haven, CT
Headshots of Faculty of Arts & Sciences.
Ambassadors are the top-level diplomats. As they represent their countries in other countries FAU-Ambassadors represent our university at other universities in their home countries. Our ambassadors share their experiences at FAU with their scientific community. FAU-Ambassadors are FAU abroad.
Mrs. El-Tayeb is both Professor of Ethnicity, Race & Migration and Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Yale University – one of the most renowned Universities of the world. Our new Ambassador was born and raised in Germany. She studied in Hamburg. Did a Master’s in American Studies and Modern European History and a PhD in History. After her doctorate, she went to the USA. First as Scholar-in-Residence, then as Assistant Professor at the University of California. There she became Director of the Critical Gender Studies Program and Professor in the Department of Literature and in the Department of Ethnic Studies as well. Professor El-Tayeb is a globally recognized researcher. Her research interests include critical European studies (Black Europe), comparative diaspora studies, queer of color criticism, critical Muslim studies, decolonial theory, transnational feminisms, visual cultural studies, race and technology. Her publications deconstruct structural racism in „colorblind“ Europe and focus on strategies of resistance among racialized communities, particularly those that politicize culture through intersectional queer praxis. She is the author of several books, many peer reviewed essays etc. Her ongoing research projects explore the intersecting legacies of colonialism, fascism, and socialism in Europe and the potential of (queer) People of Color alliances to decolonize the continent. Professor El-Tayebs research focus and personality provides an excellent basis for strengthening the network between FAU and Yale University and for gaining an inspiring scholar for FAU’s visibility in the research area of Cultural Values. Professor El-Tayeb will also be able to represent FAU and its research activities on Cultural values nationally and internationally at events, conferences, and lectures, as well as assist in attracting foreign scholars or students on both sides of the Atlantic.
Akademische Vita
zur Vita von Prof. Dr. Fatima El-Tayeb
alle FAU Awards 2023